The ornaments are really not difficult to make, as Amanda said, the most time consuming part is making the strips. My strips were all 6 inches long and either 1/4 or 1/2 inch wide. I wasn't sure whether fabric would be stiff enough, but I think it worked ok. Each strip is four layers thick: I folded 1.25 or 2.25 inch strips in half, then in half again (like you would for a purse strap only without interfacing) then sewed down the middle. I assembled them with fabric glue and used mini binder clips to hold the corners down. I tried a bunch of different variations and had a lot of fun. My ornaments weren't quite as dimensional as hers were, I think because the fabric was so flexible, so I sewed a stack of four beads inside to hold the two sides apart and make them feel more open.
They're all 8 pointed except the one on the bottom right. I thought I'd try to do one that was 6 pointed, but I didn't think it through quite right and wound up with 12 points, too many strips, and difficulty in assembly; thus only one like that!
This one had extra layers of weaving. I like how it looked (in fact I kept this one) but it didn't line up quite right and turned out to be kind of a pain to make so I only did one.