
Thursday, October 28, 2021

I Like #232

 Welcome to another week of things to like!

This week we were excited to wish my younger cousin bon voyage as she starts a new chapter in her life; she's an aquarist who used to work at Shedd Aquarium in Chicago but is moving to Abu Dhabi to help them design and build a huge new aquarium there.  What a super cool adventure!  She's the littlest girl in the front of this picture from Easter c. 1992 (that's my sister and me in the back).  Good luck Sage!!

I have a pot of begonias that is still blooming; I think I'll try to bring it in and overwinter it.  We'll see if I can find space in the house by a window!

Bentley and Blue got into a small tussle this week over some food molecules in the bottom of a bowl (you can see a small injury just to the side of Bentley's eye), but a couple hours later they were snuggled right up together on the dog beds.  Craziness.

And here, Spooky had been barking non-stop straight at Bentley for several minutes.  I don't know if he wanted Bentley to play or wanted Bentley to get off the pouf, or wanted the little dog bone on the pouf (about which Bentley cares not at all).  Regardless, I love Bentley's serene face; he just completely ignored Spooky.

I went to our annual Diocesan church convention this weekend.  Some parts were inspiring and some more boring business meeting, but I got a lot of knitting done, including finishing the sleeves on my sweater.  I'm now on the border.  It's very long (all the way around the edge/bottom/hood) but it does mean I'm almost nearing the end!  Of course then I'll have to weave in the 800 ends, but that's just life!

I hope everyone had a good week!!!  Click over to LeeAnna's for more things to like!

Thursday, October 21, 2021

I like #231

 Welcome to another week of things to like!  The weather here has been perfect this week, 70s in the day and 50s at night. I love that it's cooling off but not cold.  I've been enjoying getting out and wearing my hand knits (although my office is sweltering which is too bad). 

We went to the OKC philharmonic this weekend and the show theme was humor.  It was really a fantastic and delightful performance all around, with pieces centered around the Carnival of the Animals.  So much fun.

Another good piece of news this week!  We have tracked down several of our older homebound parishioners who disappeared from their last known addresses this week.  We had been very worried about them, and it was great to find where they were (most had moved into nursing homes or assisted livings but weren't well enough to notify the church).  So wonderful to find them!!

Our lab went out to lunch at my favorite pizza place this week to celebrate the grant we got last month (we'd had to reschedule the lunch several times) so it was great to finally get to go all together!

My one big pink zinnia bush (it's adopted bush-like proportions) is really still going gangbusters in the garden.  It's complemented by a giant marigold bush-  I feel like these two wonderful colorful mainstays are giving the finger to all those wretched bugs that killed off everything else in the garden!

I really loved seeing this furry magnolia tree thing as I was walking to my car the other day at work!  I walk past it often, and have frequently seen these structures with blossoms, but I don't recall ever noticing this furry version.  So cool!

I am going to be installing new flooring in my house right after Thanksgiving (talk about chaotic) but I picked out the tile this week after much deliberation, and I'm very happy about that!  I hope the project goes smoothly, more on that later I'm sure!

I loved this Gollum meme a knitting friend posted on instagram this week.  I really truly hate weaving in ends, and my current project has billions.  Of course I'm still knitting on it, (it's never ending) but someday I will have to weave in the ends.

Blue and Spooky wanted to run away with the glue covered chopstick in my hand.  They are a hoot.  And they were leaving Bentley alone which was good.

I hope everyone is having a good week!  Click over to LeeAnna's for more things to like!

Thursday, October 14, 2021

I like #230

 Welcome to another week of things to like!

This weekend I got to go down to Becky's to see her and the kids and Andrew, and we had a blast.  We mostly just hung out and played games, but we also went on a nice hike.  The dogs had tons of fun rumpusing all together and the weather was a little warm but still nice and pleasant.

I got to play with the Guinea Pigs!  They're adorable!

Five dogs all at once!  They get along really well.

Beautiful morning hike around Lake Grapevine.  

These three were mid-rumpus.

I love gingerbread men, and gingersnaps are the quick and easy version!  For some reason I have four different gingersnap recipes, I'm not sure why.

Against all odds, the one big pink zinnia in my garden is still going strong!

And a big yawn from Spooky napping on my lap.

I love the work of new-to-me fiber artist Janis Ledwell Hunt (via).  She makes amazing crocheted, knitted, and otherwise sculpted art  featuring lots of different topics, including organs.  I loved these lungs.

I hope everyone is having a good week!  Click over to LeeAnna's for more things to like! 

Thursday, October 7, 2021

I Like #229

Welcome to another week of things to like!  

I've been enjoying the newest season of the Great British Baking Show on Netflix.  There are some fun bakers this year, and it's fun that the episodes come out once a week (otherwise I would binge them all at once!).

I also loved these cool giant metal origami animal sculptures I found out about this week- I've always loved origami and these are so fun and colorful.

I did some work on a big art quilt sculpture this weekend, I need to get some in-process pictures of it which I have thus far failed to do.  I've also been enjoying my knitting, I started a new pair of socks and I'm still working on my never ending sweater.

I didn't manage to get pictures of anything but the dogs this week, but dog pictures are always good right?

Bentley really wanted to be in the picture when I was taking quilt photos.


Spook did not like being ignored while I was working on stitching all my spikes in place.  

My friend Brett brought Spooky a new "heavy chewers" bone, and he loves it.  It's great because it's really tough so neither of the other dogs have any interest in it.

I hope you are all having a good week!  Click over to Lee Anna's for more things to like!