
Thursday, June 23, 2011

Tackling the UFOs!

So over at Fashioned by Meg they're doing a Finish it Up Challenge for summer of 2011.  Sounds like the plan for me!

I have counted up my UFOs and here is the current list of quilt projects things that have been started and not finished:

1. Purple Medallion Quilt:  Status- top pieced, needs to have faux trapunto and machine quilting.
2. Hawaiian Applique Quilt: Status-top pieced, sandwich made, some quilting done.  Needs to have Zendoodling quilting done and finished.
3. Dog Portraits: Status- two dogs thread painted, need to finish thread painting, assembly, and quilting.
4. Nativity Mosaic Quilt: Status- Mary and Joseph are mosaic-ed, everyone else needs to be tiled in and finished.
5. Visions of God Group Church Quilt: Status- All the blocks but 3 are sitting in a pile on my desk.  I need to get  three more blocks and then assemble/quilt it.
6. Large S Quilt: Status-Top is finished, needs to be blocked and quilted.
7. Small Caryl Fallert Blocks: Status-Miscellaneous blocks need to be quilted/finished and donated.
8. Grandmother's Flower Garden Project: Status-Not even sure what this is going to be, but I have been piecing a bunch of grandmother's flower garden blocks and need to do something with them.
9. Miniature Whole Cloth Quilt: Status-about 2/3ds finished, need to find some ribbon to quilt with and maybe some perl cotton.

Eek!  It seems like these are a lot of pretty big unfinished quilting projects and there may be more if I actually went through all my piles!  Certainly there are other ongoing non-quilt projects I'm involved in but it doesn't seem fair to list them too.  I'm going to be trying work hard on them this summer.  And while I could never promise not to start any new projects, I'm promising myself not to start any new BIG projects.  Keep your fingers crossed that I make some progress!

Here's a teaser picture from number 3 above.


  1. It does sound like a lot of projects when you list them out. good luck!

  2. I know, and there are all the small things that come up too! On wednesday night, I spent the whole evening sewing patches on Mike's motorcycle vest and didn't quilt at all!

  3. good job....keep it up This blogging thing is lots of work but it will be worth it....I have enjoyed looking at you blogs....
