
Thursday, January 10, 2019

I Like #97

I missed two weeks of I Like posts as a result of traveling for the holidays!  Now I have three weeks of wonderfulness to catch up on, but will try to limit myself so as not to overwhelm everyone.

The number one thing I loved during these three weeks was getting to spend such a great long time with my family.  I spent Christmas with my sister and her family in Dallas where I got to join in in one of her Christmas Eve traditions, going to the Zoo, followed by the wonderful Christmas pageant (my niece was an angel and my nephew a wayward sheep), followed by a lovely Christmas service.

One of these giraffes was missing teeth or something so his giant tongue always stayed flopped out!

Then Christmas morning Santa came and visited the kids and we played lots of games and saw Becky's family and then started the caravan trip to my parents. It started snowing immediately upon our arrival at my parents and continued on and off for three days culminating with about 11 inches of snow.  It meant less access to other family there (though we did get to see almost everyone eventually), but it meant really wonderful days of playing board and card games, as well as tons of fabulous sledding and snowman building.  Unspeakably wonderful, and strongly reminiscent of childhood Christmases.

Great sledding hill at my parent's.  The dogs loved playing with us.

Then after that, we all caravaned along to Tucson for a wonderful family wedding (congrats Queston and Mandy), complete with some hiking (I love love love the Sonoran desert), and a visit to the desert museum.  Unfortunately along the way, my dad had a blowout on his 5th wheel so we had to stop on the side of the freeway while he changed it.  My mom and I got her dogs out of the car and walked them along the railway easement.  The trains were pretty loud and we stayed out of their way!

The train was very loud and three trains came by in the hour and a half we spent there.  

My mom snuggling with her two brown dogs on the couch in the trailer.

Upon my return I was reunited with my precious doggos, but we had a snow/ice storm here.  It made for a little bit of prettiness and a bunch of annoying slippery roads as we all went back to work, and ten tons of mud in the house.  This was followed immediately by our biennial 12th night feast at church.  I've been in charge of it for several years and it is a TON of work, but as always we had a blast at the actual event.  Lots of singing and laughing and funny skits and great food and wine.

Icy branches in OKC at work.

Mike sent me this picture of Blue while I was gone to remind me I missed them (I hadn't forgotten!).

Cast and court for our 12th night feast!

And now, finally this week I feel like life is finally easing back into routine.  I find myself thankful for the every-day, for going home at the end of the day with only a normal sized to-do list and not a psychotic pre-holiday to-do list.  I am so very very grateful for all the wonderful time with my family, and am looking forward to a productive and creative 2019.  Here's to positivity for all of you and best wishes!  Linking up with LeeAnna!


  1. Looks like you had a busy and wonderful holiday season! I saw on the news where Oklahoma had a big snowstorm move through it. Pretty branches on the trees. Hope you get to have a wonderful and relaxing weekend!

  2. wowie! I caught up and your year of quilts is astounding! I am lucky to be the recipient of an ornament, thank you! The holiday photos are wonderful, love the cacti and your mom on the sofa and snow!

  3. Hi Shannon! I enjoyed reading every single word of this post so much. Aww, poor Blue missing his momma. I know the feelings were reciprocated. WOWEE - that is some blowout on the tire. S.C.A.R.Y. I'm glad he could pull way off the road - can you imagine that right on the edge of I-70 with semis roaring by. Those giraffes look so cool and I had to giggle about the one with his tongue out. Poor guy! Happy Thursday to you. ~smile~ Roseanne

  4. From snow to the desert and back again - sounds like it was a wonderful trip for you! I really enjoyed your pictures. Happy New Year, Shannon!

  5. Wow, it sounds like you had the best of holidays, Shannon. Your enjoyment comes through in your words. What an interesting event at your church...looks splendid. And what dog lovers you guys are...just like in my family. My mom at 85 loves her little dog Charlie.

  6. What a cool holiday and fun family. It was sweet to read this post. Thanks for sharing. mary

  7. Thank you so much for sharing the holiday with us! Hugs! Mickie

  8. I live vicariously through people's family's Christmas celebrations. I enjoyed your immensely. Thank you. :-)

  9. I am absolutely loving your gorgeous blog! Thanks

  10. Oh such gorgeous pictures of the cacti and flowers blooming. Looks like fun at mom and dads enjoy the quieter after holiday time.

  11. It sounds like a very good time! How nice that you have a family that likes to get together.

    That picture of icy branches in OKC is just stunning! The bright, lacy branches in the foreground, the one set of footprints leading to that glowing destination...I don't think you could have made a better composition by painting it!
