
Thursday, October 27, 2022

I Like #276

 Welcome to another week of things to like!  

I had a good week this week!  My sister and her kids came up over the weekend and we had a great time.  We played lots of games and did some sewing and crafting, and my friend Brett worked with them on a geology scout badge.  

As part of the geology scout badge we went on a hike to hunt rose rocks, the state rock (crystal?) of Oklahoma.  They're these really cool barite crystals/rocks that form in the Garber sandstone which is our primary rock formation in this area.  The lakes are really low right now (it's been sadly so so dry) but that does mean that lots of beach is exposed so we found lots and lots of cool rose rocks.  These are just the ones I kept.  Alex and Anna collected bunches-  Alex filled up his pockets with tons and tons, he had to hold his pants to keep them from falling down.

Last weekend I tried to install a fan in my home office, but alas I discovered I needed a different junction box, and this weekend a friend of mine asked one of his friends who is an electrician to swap the junction box and hang the fan.  I'm very excited (perhaps unreasonably excited) because the room has always been really stuffy.

The weather has been beautiful temperature wise,  a bit rainy (thank heavens, finally).  It's meant more and more hand knits are coming out.  This week I got out the sweater I finished last fall.  It's another one some people have told me they think is ugly, but I really like it-  the yarn is lightweight so it's not super hot.  Apologies for the work bathroom mirror selfie, I promise no one else was in there and I don't have a full-length mirror at home.

This week's prompt from LeeAnna was costumes we've liked as a kid and an adult.  We had lots of fun costumes as kids, all made by my mom, but I don't have easy acess to many of the pictures. I love dressing up though, so I do have some favorite as-an-adult costumes.  I don't usually make ones that are too complicated, and I usually try to use all stash stuff if I can.

One year I was a jellyfish (very hard to navigate from room-to-room at the halloween party)

One year I went as a Lt.Cdr from TNG (I couldn't resist photoshopping myself onto the bridge)

One year I went as a fruit fly (can you sense the nerd theme?)

And just to close out, here's the cute spooky picture of the week!

I hope everyone is finding things to like this week!  Click over to LeeAnna's for more goodness!


  1. Cute costumes and I don’t think your sweater is ugly at all! And it looks great with the tie dyed shirt.

  2. Ceiling fans are good stuff. Yay for a less stuffy room. Love the colors in that sweater. You have some fun costumes! :-)

  3. where to start??? those adult costumes are inventive and cute. Love you on the bridge. The sweater.... I don't know, I like it. I like the colors the stripes, the drape... congrats on installing a fan. Now come help us stop ours from making noise please
