
Thursday, February 2, 2023

I Like #288

 Welcome to another week of things to like!

It's been a cold week here, and we kept having a little bit of ice or the thread of ice or a little more ice this week as part of the large storm coming through the middle of the country.  It really wasn't bad at all here, just mostly lots of general worry it might get bad.  Luckily it didn't.  I hope you're all safe if there's winter weather in your neck of the woods!  This was a little bit of the frozen hail? ice? snowy stuff? we got.

Before the cold snap came, the weekend was reasonably warm so I left the studio door open.  The dogs love that, they love to be able to go in and out at will and they love snoozing in the sunny spot.

Other things to like this week included this stout.  Winter always feels like the time for dark beer and this one my friend Brett brought over for us to try was really good.

I spent a fair amount of time sewing this weekend which was great.  I finished up a couple of art quilts that I've been struggling with which was great.  I hope to get blog posts up about them soon.  Of course Spooky and Blue had to help by crawling underneath the sewing desk.

I'm really trying this year to use up little tidbits I have lying around from different experiments.  Last week I made (and blogged about) a cute purse out of some silk paintings I did in a workshop at Houston almost ten years ago, you can see more about that project here.

Then this weekend, I decided to make a few little zip purses out of some test prints I made from some stamp carving experiments.  I made these stamps in a Jean Wells Keenan workshop back in 2017.  It was fun to carve them, one was Christmas themed and I used it for my Christmas cards that year, but I never knew what to do with the others.  I'd made some prints with them on this scrap of grey fabric, it had a weird sort of wannabe suede texture and ever since then the prints have just been pinned to my wall.  So finally I decided to just sew them up into some little zip pouches.  I'll give them as gifts or use them for something.  They're each lined with a different fun scrap of fabric.  I like using up these little experimental things, but there are a ton more waiting in the wings so we'll see.

I hope everyone is staying warm and finding things to like this week!  For more things to like click over to LeeAnna's!


  1. the silk purse and stamped fabric purses are so good! Love them. Love the pups snuggling in the scrap of light, and trying to be in the same space at the same time under the desk

  2. Your snow looks like salt! Your boys have such a rough life. lol. Love your little purses. Cute!
