
Thursday, June 4, 2020

I Like #167

It's been a rough week all around, but I'm here with a few things I'm grateful for.  They're pretty much the same things I'm grateful for every week, but that's ok!

1.  I'm grateful for my people!  My in-person people I see through masks at work, my family, my in-person friend people who I don't see now (alas), my church people, my online friends (that's you guys!).  This is what our family Zooms always look like.  Everyone bouncing in and out of the frame, but grateful to be together.  Two screens from my sister's house with the kids, two screens from my parent's house, plus my Aunt and Uncle in NM, my Aunt in CA, my Grandma, and me!

2.  I saw my first toad of the year.  I've been hearing them all over but haven't seen the normal contingent in the backyard.  This guy was the first.  Blue chased him but luckily he escaped. Usually after the first little bit the dogs leave them alone.  And my marigolds are blooming.  It has suddenly turned immediately into SUMMER-hot (it was 96 yesterday) so lots of my flowers may start to die back, but hopefully I can keep them watered and going.  And I ate the first tomatoes off my tomato plant.

3.  My sister helped me hang this cord reel in the middle of my studio.  Now I don't have so many cords all over the place.  It was getting bad particularly because Bentley can see and has gotten him tangled up in the iron cord several times recently.  I've been able to catch him/it so far, but was getting more and more worried he'd pull it down on top of him.

Yes, we're talking about you.

4.  I shared a few posts which I wrote a while back about my new liturgical quilt.  It has a lot of personal symbolism in it.  You can read about it here, here, and here.

Click through to LeeAnna's for more things to like!


  1. I love the family zoom pic... everyone represented in a square. The cord reel is smart, poor aging Bentley needs protection too, imagine having a heavy iron fall, too scary. I've been dropping things more lately, I may be more distracted than ever. the toad pic is amazing...and I have no flowers except the ones on the perenial bushes so I miss them. I can't take the risk of going to the nursery. Thank you for this list, reminding us that life is still going on, changed but important. And thank you for going to work, doing research to help the world.

  2. Hi Shannon! I just LOVE the look on Bentley's face! Yes, we are talking and worried about you getting hurt, sweet Bentley. That's quite a contraption but if it does the job, woohoo! I love the screenshot of your peeps. It seems we can get 'together' even more often now that we can't get together in person. ~smile~ Roseanne

  3. Oh, the little red tomato made my mouth water! I do love picking them as I wander around the garden, but here in Boulder we won't have that pleasure for a while. Yes, it sure is okay to be thankful for the same things every week!

  4. I love your liturgical quilts. Huzzah for a cord reel. Tomatoes already? Excellent! I finally got Zoom working with my family - it is wonderful. I need to keep up with more of my peeps, too.

  5. Oh your toad is a welcome visitor. Your flowers and tomato, I am envious. Good idea with the cords. Your family zoom made me giggle.

  6. Your Creed quilt is just priceless. Home grown tomatoes are the best. We have started using FaceTime to talk to each other. It’s a Godsend. What a cool idea for the cords. I really enjoyed this post.

  7. Your liturgical quilt is amazing! Loved this post and re-rigging because of Bentley :D Stay safe!

  8. Your flowers are pretty, and amazing that you are eating tomatoes already! It's been hot here, too, and the plants definitely need a lot of water. Zoom is fun with family and friends! I've been able to zoom with my book club and it's always so good to see everyone that way, at least. Your Nicene Creed quilt is beautiful - I love your personal touches.

  9. Your Nicene Creed quilt is beautiful and so very special. I can't get over how you got so much detail in your angels, the pieces being so small. The same with your trees. The aspens, my gosh!

  10. We should really be so thankful for Zoom and FaceTime. It certainly helps to see our friends and family during a pandemic. I just got a tomato plant but it's very small compared to yours. Beautiful Nicene Creed quilt! You're so talented!
