It feels terrible to realize it's been an entire month since my last I like post. Tons has happened and of course I've arrived at Thursday morning with no time for a long backlog. So I'll just say there are lots of overdue posts about all kinds of things, including art things, craft things, construction things, and garden things.
A few highlights since the last post and I'm recommitting to getting my weekly posts up going forward. Becky and the kids came up for a wonderful weekend in February during which we played lots of games and had lots of fun but also becky helped me build three garden beds using the repurposed materials from my old porch roof they tore down. They won't actually live on my patio like this, but this was when we were building them. I still have to dig them in at their final home (so they're level) and then fill them and plant, but there's been too much going on.

One of my house plants sent out this beautiful orange flower.
And I haven't done any gardening at all, but I have one tulip and one daffodil. They looked so lonely compared to everyone else who had clumps but I was happy anyway.
I recovered an old brown chair I got at a garage sale a few years ago to fit better in my new dark puprle bedroom. The chair used to be covered with this funny brown and cream floral velvet. I actually really loved it, it had a sort of 70s vibe that made me think fondly of my grandma. But the dog had chewed up some of the brown and it didn't really go with the new bedroom where I love the dark purple but really wnated a pop of something super bright.
I pulled a piece of bright blue cordouroy from my stash (thanks Mary!) and just traced the cushions and made new covers. It's not the best recovering job, but
I don't have a good picture of it in its new home, but I'll try to get one for next week.
I also made a bunch of doo-dads for the Albuquerque Fiber Arts Fiesta fundraiser. I think I'd shared some of them before but I can't remember.
And finally of course we have to have the pups. They're doing great. Blue has moved into bed with me and Spooky so now we're even more snuggly at night (i.e. crowded) but it's ok.
They love "helping" fold the clean laundry.
I hope there are good things in your life and for more, click over to