Thursday, May 30, 2024

I Like #329

 Two weeks in a row to get my post up seems like a huge acheivement after being away for so long.  My sister and her daughter Anna were up this weekend so there were definitely things to like.  We did a lot of game playing and walked around the Paseo Art Festival, and went to a painting excursion, and had a spa evening.  It was really a delightful weekend and so so wonderful to have them.  

One of the most practical things we did was that my sister helped me clean up/out my garage,  the impetus was that we were expecting severe weather and needed to get both her car and mine into the garage.  Luckily the severe weather passed us by and now I have a much tidier garage!

Here we are on my wonderful porch with our foot masks on.  It was fun to do the foot masks and a face mask (I'd never done one of those) and a sugar scrub and then paint our toenails.  We used up every towel in the house!

Becky has just finished having her house painted and Anna's room is a new color so she wanted to make some new pillows to go on her bed.  Of course my fabric stash was filled with fun things to use for that, and she made four pillows.  I love using stuff I already have.  And it was great to use up a bunch of fiber fill I'd inherited from someone (Mary I think?).  The cross hatch blue is a silk I dyed over Christmas.  And the big white one has blue velour on the other side.

The garden is going along,  I harvested the first three zuchinni and cut the first bunch of flowers.  They're dahlias and zinnias so far, mostly small pom pom ones, no large
ones yet, but still pretty.

And of course the pups are good.  No good pictures of Spooky this week, but here's Blue to tide you over.

Hope there have been some good things in your week!  For more, click over to LeeAnna's.null

Thursday, May 23, 2024

I like #328

It's been over two months since I've posted and lots of stuff has happened since then.  Lots good and lots just very very busy and stressful.  And every time I sat down to write a post the idea of trying to catch up here was just overwhelming.  So I decided this week would just be for this week.  Maybe I'll get caught up on stuff from the last couple of months or maybe not, but I'm starting for now.

The last few weeks have been filled with work in my garden.  I expanded the garden quite a bit this year because the new porch ate up some of the old garden and so I sort of restructured.  Hopefully I can get a whole post up about the new porch and garden at some point.  The garden went in in stages this year and I think in general it's not going to be a great garden year, but it's all in and some stuff is growing well at the moment.  I love going out to look at it.

On a related note, I accidentally mowed over this burrow of adorable baby bunnies in the front yard last Monday.  Apart from being traumatized by the noise I think they were all ok.  I've seen them in the last couple of days hopping around the yard.  I'm torn between loving suburban wildlife/thinking their adorable, and desperately hoping they don't go into the garden.

Luckily my wonderful pups are doing great, although if I let them in the garden they immediately pee on the vegetables.

Last week we celebrated Pentecost at church, and I got this wonderful picture with two good friends from curch.  It's such a wonderful community!!

Speaking of friends,  last weekend the OKC Phil did a semi-staged performance of Tosca and Brett and I went.  It was just fantastic.  Really good.

I even got to spend a little time in my studio last weekend and got started on a new illuminated manuscript quilt.  It felt so so good to be doing something creative for a chage.  And I love all the colors.  Definitely in the very early stages but it feels good to have something going.

And finally I made a delicious cherry pie this week.  I decided we need to eat the good homegrown cherries in the freezer and it was so tasty.

I hope this is the start of more regular posting, and I hope you're all having some good things to celebrate.  For more good things, head over to LeeAnnaLeeAnna's!