Friday, February 28, 2025

 The 2025 SAQA Spotlight Auction is coming up very soon!! This annual fundraiser is held in conjunction with the SAQA annual conference, this year in St. Petersburg Florida, but the auction is open to anyone.  The pieces are quite small, so it's a great way to add to your art collection!

For more information on how to participate, visit the SAQA Spotlight Auction Page.  The auction will open for bidding from March 26-April 5 on the Handbid platform.

My donation this year actually started out as part of an exercise we did with Judy Chaffee.  The idea was to pick a famous painting and break it down by color and by the amount of each major color, and then use those colors and their amounts in your own small composition.  I'm all about the gold fabrics, so I picked a Gustav Klimt painting. It was fun to try to estimate the colors and find matches in my stash. 

This is my piece for the auction that came out of the exercise. 

Here you can see my color pulls with approximate percentages and the original painting. The painting is called Judith and the Head of Holofernes and was painted by Klimt in 1901.  

It was a really fun exercise, more challenging than I thought to get the proportions of color right.  I think in the end my piece progagly has too much blue and my brown/beige is a little too dark, but otherwise ok colorwise.

The quilts start out 6x8 inches and then are matted down to 4.5 x 6.5 inches, so it will display something like this:

Don't forget to click the link above to participate!  It's a great fundraiser for a great organization.

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