Thursday, December 17, 2020

I Like #193

 Welcome to another week of things to like.  It's been a good week here, busy with things near to home, advent things, things that have enabled me to connect with others, if only virtually.

Someone introduced me to the concept of a minimalist nativity scene last week (I think one of our bloggy friends here actually), so I decided to make one out of my yarn stash!

I only put out about 1/3 of my Christmas ornaments this year, mostly favorites, because the tree is small.  The small tennis racket is new this year, I found it at my grandparents' house when we went home to help clean it up after my grandma moved into assisted living.  My grandpa died at the beginning of this year, but he was a big tennis player, every day into his 80s. I think this was a keychain originally, but it was the perfect size for a tree ornament, so I hung it up and now I think of him when I see it.

I also hung some of my favorite ornaments in my plant window this year.

I started a new knitting project this week,  it's nice and easy knitting, with good feeling yarn.  The yarn is heavier than I usually knit with so it's knitting up fairly quickly.  Good for zoom meetings, and so nice to be done with the prior project.  Unfortunately, the prior project is still in that limbo stage where I need to weave in the ends, block, photograph, and blog about it, so I can't exactly wear it, but at least I'm done knitting it! 

Spooky chewed up a second set of Christmas lights this week, so now the entire tree/tv part of the living room is enclosed in the puppy playpen.

We got two small snowstorms this week, really beautiful (much better than nasty ice storms).  Light and fluffy and just enough to really cover things without needing to shovel walks or worry about the roads.  A couple of kids in the neighborhood balled up everything in their yards to make snowmen and that made me smile.

And of course, the pups.  Everyone is doing well.  Spooky is not making progress on mine vs. not mine, but hopefully that will come!

I hope everyone has a warm and healthy week.  Click over to LeeAnna's for more things to like!


  1. Your knitting project looks lovely and so does the pretty snow! holiday hugs!

  2. Yes to snow rather than freezing rain! Pretty wool and I'm into the wool now too. Feels good doesn't it. Special decorations with memories and happy pups. All in readiness for the big day.

  3. he thinks it's all his if he can see or smell it.
    I love your knitting and the ornaments on the plant in the window.

  4. LOL. I like your minimalist nativity. Bad puppy! He's lucky he's cute! Love your knitting project.

  5. Oh Spooky, there's so much other fun stuff than cords! Your knitting looks lovely! Nice that you have the ornament to remind you of your grandfather, too!

  6. Love your tree and ornies. Poor Spooky, it is tough being a little man, but I can so relate to the chewing puppy, love your caged tree! My daughter has been having challenges with the kitten crew, I told her they need a cage like the ones you see in Roadhouses to protect the band, for their tree. :D Your knitting looks awesome.
