Thursday, February 25, 2021

I Like #202

Welcome to another week of things to like.

The weather cleared up nicely this week and at first there was tons of gross mud and melting mess (and dog doo) in my back yard.  But over the weekend I got it all cleaned up and I got this fake grass "rug" to put on my back porch to help the dogs de-mud their feet a little before coming inside.

I've been sewing madly this week, struggling with a quilt I'm trying to finish for the microscape call for entry for SAQA.  Mike took pictures of it last night, so I can do the entry but it still needs a pocket and a label so it's not done yet.  This quilt has a huge story behind it, so I'll have several separate posts about it I'm sure, but here's an in progress pic.

My snuggle muffins are just as snuggly as ever.  Spooky has definitely learned that if he has something he shouldn't have I will chase him to get it away, which has (predictably) turned into his new favorite game.

I found more beautiful art this week, the Ibbini Studios artists Julia Ibbini and Stephane Noyer create these gorgeous vessels out of laser cut paper.  I discovered them through an interesting article with lots of pictures here.

I made a tasty lemon meringue pie this week for a birthday dinner for Mike

And I love that I got my mom's annual Valentine's quilt block in the mail.  She's been making art quilts out of cut up Ohio Star Blocks so one of those made good sense!

I hope everyone is doing well!  Click over to Lee Anna's for more things to like!


  1. Ooh! Your lemon meringue pie licks so good! Ve been craving lemon something lately! I’m ot so good at meringue, so I was thinking about lemon bars! Today is grocery order day, so I need to make sure I get the ingredients!

  2. yum to that pie! what meringue!!! Cole was really big on chase me... so to stop him absconding with treasures, I only chased him if he had one of his toys... otherwise it was all mama guilt dripping from my voice, and he hated me being disappointed in him so he'd drop the item and come slinking over to me. Now Milo... a different boy, will run with glee with some stolen item til I say Oh NOooooooooo, front!
    then he won't bring it back but will drop it

  3. Oh your pie looks yummy. Love your fur babies, and I agree, nothing better than their snuggles. Your quilting is always so gorgeous.

  4. Ooh. Great likes! Happy puppers! That laser cut paper is gorgeous. That pie looks delicious. Pretty, pretty pink block. I love those fabrics.
