Thursday, April 6, 2023

I like #295

 Welcome to another week of things to like!  I missed last week because I was at a symposium in La Jolla CA for people who have and study the type of inherited retinal degeneration my lab has been working on for years.  It was a wonderful and inspiring trip, but I'm very glad to be home after bunches of traveling.

The symposium was held at a lovely hotel near the Torrey Pines golf course, unfortunately I never could figure out how to get past the golf course down to the ocean (which maybe you can see dimly in the horizon of this picture).

The first afternoon I arrived, I was able to visit Point Loma and Cabrillo National Monument.  One of the coolest things about it was walking down to the tide pools.  The tide pool creatures were similar to the ones we see at Asilomar, but the rocks are really different.  Really pronounced layers (so cool!) and lots of bioturbated rocks (where the shapes were formed by the presence of little creatures).

After I got back I spent the weekend cleaning out my garden,  I'm still not finished, I have a new bed to build and need to go get compost, but it's so much better and I planted a bunch of flower seeds and some annuals after taking these pictures.

Before (so messy from last year)

And after

And so exciting, my crabapple tree is in full bloom.  So beautiful!!

Click over to LeeAnna's for more things to like!


  1. You did a beautiful job on your garden!

  2. Your garden looks great. I've still got one that looks like your first picture and I'm not looking forward to cleaning it out. What kind of retina degeneration are you working on? I have lattice degeneration and have been told it is just going to keep tearing until it is all scar tissue. Not looking forward to that either.

  3. Oh, wow, that shoreline is really cool. So much texture! The before and after of your garden is impressive. I'm still in the "before" stage.

  4. spectacular pictures of the scenery! Welcome home to that garden!
