Thursday, September 5, 2024

I like #330

 I haven't done an I like post in a while.  It's been a rough and tumultuous summer with some family health challenges and stress related to fires, but things are settling down.  I'm going into fall crazy time at work, so I'm not sure I can keep up with weekly I like posts, but I will try my best.  

So amid the chaos, what have I been liking over the past few months?

I love getting to spend time with my family.  We had several family get togethers this summer, the best was 4th of July weekend at my parents' place in New Mexico.  Among other things my mom organized a wonderful family mountain olympics with seven different events and five teams (mostly sibling pairs).  My sister and I won, largely I think because we won the costume contest and won scattegories.  Our efforts at lawn games were mediocre at best.  But it was such a wonderful time.  My dad was the referee and he definitely kept us all in line!

I love getting to hike and explore outside.  In July I took a road trip to Colorado where I met up with my mom and dad for a few days.  Mom and I were filming an episode of Quilting Arts TV, but along the way I visited and hiked in Washita Battlefield National Historic Site, Clayton Lake State Park (with fossilized dinosaur footprints!), Capulin Volcano National Monument (very cool volcano), Red Rocks Park, and Great Sand Dunes National Park.

Beautiful native prairies at Washita Battlefield National Historic Site (Oklahoma)

Clayton Lake State Park (New Mexico)

Dinsoaur footprints!!!!

Capulin Volcano National Monument (New Mexico)

Trail along the volcano rim.

Red Rocks Park (Colorado)

Beautiful green rattlesnake we saw in the trail at Red Rocks park.  Luckily we had good hold of the dogs and just watched him slither across with no problems to anyone.

Great Sand Dunes National Park (Colorado)

Hot and sweaty hiking on the dunes.

Drenched and sweaty and swarming with mosquitos hiking in the mountains.  But such a beautiful trail (also at Great Sand Dunes National Park).

There are many more things to like to catch up on, but for now this is enough.  I did get to blog in the past couple weeks about some catch-up quilts I hadn't yet shared, so take a look at them here and here.

I hope there are things to like in your worlds now!  For more things to like, click over to Lee Anna's.


  1. The Olympics looks like a blast. Love the Smurf outfits! You had some beautiful hikes. I hope things settle down for you.

  2. awe that was fun! Snakes scare me but I love that you respected it... and no dogs were injured in the making of this post! lol
    missed you. Funny thing, I thought about you about 2 days ago out of the blue... you were probably writing the post in your mind and connected with me that way. Happens to me with people I like... think of them and hear from them within a day or so

  3. Congratulations, Gold Medalists! How fun!!! Loved the travel pictures too. If I can't be there, I love armchair vacations too! Thank you for sharing.
