It's another week of things to like, and what a week it's been.
1. Mostly what this week contained was a last minute trip home for my grandfather's funeral, but it was really wonderful to see my family and be with them. The funeral was a wonderful graveside service in the beautiful mountain cemetery. The weather was gorgeous; not too cold with the clearest, sunniest, brightest of blue skies that make New Mexico home. My grandfather was a veteran of the second world war, and was rightly proud of his service to our country, and the service ended with a moving rendition of taps played by the trumpeter from my parents' church. Amidst the grieving was a lot of remembering and visiting with family and old friends though and that was super. In 1985 my grandmother compiled a wonderful photo album filled with historical family photos, and most importantly, she took the time to label them all. One of my favorites from the album is this one of my grandparents together, around 1946. I'm not sure where they are, but I love how casual and young and fun they look.

2. Both of my grandfathers were also fine craftsmen, and for many years I have had a model ship built by my mom's father. On this trip home my grandmother gave me a handmade model airplane made by my other grandfather and I was so thrilled to get to hang it up in my house. He made several throughout his life and I'm trying to track down what kind of plane this one is. After taking that second picture, it made me realize how many wonderful crafty people there are in our family; in addition to the airplane and ship, the cabinet in the picture was made by my maternal grandfather, the quilt on the wall is one of mine, and the piece of pottery hanging behind the airplane is a sculpture of one of the New Mexico Pueblo ission churches my mom made many years ago. Hooray!!

3. On another crafty note, we have all recently become enamored with the show Repair Shop on Netflix. It's a great show, like Antiques Roadshow only they fix antique stuff that's in need of repair. Really cool. Inspired by that, Mom and I got out her two old loveys, they are chimps named Coco (yes, both of them) that she's had since she was an infant. They've been repaired over the years, but sometime since the last repair, the smaller guy developed a hole in his back, and some dog got hold of the larger one, tearing off one arm, ripping out extensive innards, and making a giant hole in the other arm. We're not as skilled as the teddy bear repair ladies from the Repair Shop, but Mom and I did manage to patch up the Cocos nicely so they're not completely falling apart anymore.

4. The pups went with me, and of course loved the opportunity to be at my parent's even though my sister came without her dogs so Blue didn't get to play with Auto. They did, however, get to snuggle with Mom and Dad.
5. Driving uptown before the funeral, traffic on the main street in Ruidoso stopped completely for almost five minutes because this herd of deer couldn't decide whether or not they wanted to cross the road. It was pretty funny.
6. Last Thursday was our annual black-tie party to thank supporters of the College of Medicine and like last year I took a bouquet of flowers at the end. So bright and cheerful! I love flowers in winter!
7. I blogged this week about a new Kirigami based quilt, if you like, you can check out more about it
here, and
Thanks as always to
Lee Anna for encouraging us to keep looking for things to like! I hope you all have a great week!