Welcome to another week of things to like.
After the crazy ice storm, we're back to nice fall weather here.
Amid all the election chaos and my massive push at work to get out my grant (biggest deadline of the year), the big news here is that I accidentally acquired a puppy this week. He ran out in front of Mike's car and after almost a full week no one has come forward to claim him. We think he's boxer, and he's super cute. Mike couldn't keep him, so he's come to live with me. His name is Spooky since he's our little Halloween pup. He's very little, maybe 12 pounds-ish, and possibly about 2-3 months old. He's decided his favorite toy is my bathrobe which he tugs on constantly as I move around the house or try to sit at my computer to work.

Blue and Bentley get along fine with him, Bentley mostly ignores him. Blue likes to play with him (I'll try to put a video below), but gets a little tired of it by the end of the day, when the puppy still wants to play. It's very annoying. And his little teeth are very sharp as he plays. I'm trying to teach him "no" but I'm all covered in little bite marks anyway.
Right now he's small enough that all four of us can fit on the sofa, but I expect he'll be too big for that in the future.
He's very anti-knitting, he loves to chew on it and run away with the balls of yarn, and tug on the end of the work. It is not good. I have to make sure he's somewhere else if I want to knit. He also already chewed up my laptop charger which was not good.
We all seem to be able to walk together, it's a little more chaotic, but nothing compared to Blue and Bentley who are much stronger and insist on going opposite directions. He got seen by Mike's vet for some injuries he had (we think someone chomped him), but my vet was still out of power from the ice storm earlier this week, so we can't get in to see him until next Monday.
Here's Bentley in the sun. Just because.
And a non-dog thing to like, I read an article about new analysis they're doing to understand the dyes and pigments in a fascinating illuminated pre-colombian Nahuan (Aztec) manuscript. I thought it was so cool for several reasons; first because I'm ashamed to say I didn't realize there were any extant manuscripts from pre-colombian societies in the Americas. Second because I love illuminated manuscripts in general, and this one is so cool and beautiful looking, and third because I love the idea of using modern scientific tools to explore the techniques and methods ancient artists used. Super awesome. Of course there are issues surrounding the colonial aspects of a piece of art like this (and the eradication of the associated society), but from an artistic standpoint I'm so glad this codex was preserved! Read more about it
I hope you are all hanging in there, click over to
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