Thursday, October 14, 2021

I like #230

 Welcome to another week of things to like!

This weekend I got to go down to Becky's to see her and the kids and Andrew, and we had a blast.  We mostly just hung out and played games, but we also went on a nice hike.  The dogs had tons of fun rumpusing all together and the weather was a little warm but still nice and pleasant.

I got to play with the Guinea Pigs!  They're adorable!

Five dogs all at once!  They get along really well.

Beautiful morning hike around Lake Grapevine.  

These three were mid-rumpus.

I love gingerbread men, and gingersnaps are the quick and easy version!  For some reason I have four different gingersnap recipes, I'm not sure why.

Against all odds, the one big pink zinnia in my garden is still going strong!

And a big yawn from Spooky napping on my lap.

I love the work of new-to-me fiber artist Janis Ledwell Hunt (via).  She makes amazing crocheted, knitted, and otherwise sculpted art  featuring lots of different topics, including organs.  I loved these lungs.

I hope everyone is having a good week!  Click over to LeeAnna's for more things to like! 


  1. What a cutie piggy! (and the other one's nose.) Look at all those doggies! Mmm... gingersnaps! My zinnias are still going strong, too. Those lungs are pretty cool.

  2. Like you, I love ginger cookies. Which is your favorite recipe? I love everything you shared! Dogs, cookies, flowers! Have a safe and happy day!

  3. I notice there is more art featuring organs lately, to me anyway. It is like artists have discovered the wonder of our bodies or something. The intricacies of the lungs, for instance, are amazing and this is such a cool piece.
    What a time those doggies had! I love it when Ned gets to play with his brother. Ginger cookies are a favourite here too! Enjoy your weekend, Shannon!

  4. all those earnest little faces looking up for instruction. I love GP's now and their little star hands and wheeking... they did something called brandy snaps on the Baking show... thanks for reminding us it was back

  5. Looks like a fun visit. Wow that is a lot of big dogs. Cute GP. Your gingersnaps look yummy. I like the softer ones which is weird because I don't ever remember my mom making them, but I do.
