Thursday, March 2, 2023

I Like #292

 I like lots of things but this has been a boring week on that front.  Lots and lots and lots of work, with very little time to do anything else.  

But today's prompt from LeeAnna is lots of fun:  What do you like and not like about your studio?

I love my studio.  I built it in my backyard in 2011, and I love having a dedicated, light filled space.

I love my three giant rolling design walls (my dad built for me) that serve as doors for my storage areas.  They're covered with ceiling tiles and flannel and great for pinning things up.

I love my rolling cutting/ironing drop-leaf work table (also built by my dad).  It's also covered with ceiling tiles and flannel so I can iron on it, but it also has my cutting mats on it for cutting.  Both sides can be raised or lowered depending on how much work space I need.

I love my reading corner- here in an old picture occupied by my beloved Bentley (and Blue) in the pre-Spooky era.

I love my bright yelllow wall and all my quilts.  I love my sewing spaces.  I love the windows (of course it was dark when I took this picture) and I love all the plants (also not in this picture)

The only thing I'm a little sad not to have is a big work sink.  I don't really have space for a wet area, and when I built this building in the backyard, adding in plumbing was just too expensive, especially since the kitchen is just a little ways across the yard.  But in the intervening years, I've started to do more painting, and it would be so nice to have a big sink.  But in general I love love love my studio.

Since Spooky wasn't in the studio picture, here's a picture of him from this week.  In case you're wondering, that yellow thing on his nose is a piece of foam from the couch he's chewing up.

Thanks to LeeAnna for the prompts, and click over to her blog for more things to like!


  1. Those rolling design walls are fabulous!!!

  2. I, too, love the sliding design walls! And all of your bright happy space!

  3. Wow - you have a great work space. Given the projects you work on, I can see why you'd want the rolling design walls and the drop-leaf table.

  4. my husband said Spooky was taking a break from construction work to have his picture done. I LOVE your studio, I want a whole outside building for a studio but you're right, a sink would be good. You're so handy you could get that done! Or... a sink right outside the building, with a plant shelf, so it could be for paint or for gardening...
    you've got a mid arm... I'm a little jelly... those design walls hiding the storage are brilliantly useful
    wish I could come play in your studio to see how you make those glorious creations
    Bentley.... getting squished but giving no ground!

  5. How nice to have a "home away from home" studio. I love the fact that your dad built so much for you to enjoy your hobby. Dads are the BEST!

  6. Yes, a big sink would be a dream!

  7. How clever to have dual purpose design walls! Your adaptable cutting table is a clever idea! reading chair is similar to mine - and you have such great reading buddies! Your yarn tree is really cool! Happy creating!

  8. I love the peek into your art space. All the "stuff" that makes you (and me!) happy to be in the middle of. And, great yellow wall!
