Monday, November 6, 2023

Recent Crafty Gifts

 It seems like a good time for a catch-up posts on some crafty gifts from the last few months.  

These are the most recent to be finished, a pair of Jelly Roll socks for Becky's birthday.  I love knitting socks and I love wearing hand knit socks, and except in deep winter, I especially love ankle socks, so I thought I'd make some for Becky.

Then before that, it was my mom's birthday.  This is from the Sew Sweetness wallet trio.  I've made it twice before, one of them I gave to Becky and then this hippo one for mom.   Mom's has worn out so it was time for a new one.

It's actually made from some scraps of the same fabric I used for a Weekender bag for mom back in 2014.

And then finally, I made a boxy bag for Alex.  The "Buckner" labeled handle and the brown fabric were in a box of stuff my sister's mother-in-law (Hi Mary Alice!) destashed to me and I thought it would be fun to make it up into a little bag. 

I love making and sharing little projects like these.  And of course, now we're into Christmas crafting season so I'm sure more gifts will be forthcoming.

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