Welcome to another week of things to like!
I realized this week that this is my tenth blogging anniversay! I can't believe my first post was sometime in March 2011. It's been a great place to document things.
Browsing back through, I was shocked to find that, for the first 8 months there were no actual dogs (just dog quilts) here. My dogs were just as important then, but I think initially I really wanted to stay craft and sewing focused. The first dog to appear was my mom's dog Jackson (sadly now passed away) in December 2011. But only a week or so later, my Bullett and Bentley appeared for the first time. Back then Bentley was still a bouncy young thing, about two and a half years old. Now he is a tired old man, but still my best beloved. Here he is this week snoozing (or plotting) while snuggled up with the Spooky monster while Blue has his own section of couch.

I spent a little while browsing back through the 2011 posts. It was a lot of the same things are I do now, art quilts (early ones), baby quilts, bags and pouches, hand embroidery. Back in that time I was doing a lot of crocheting and there were a couple of posts where I emphatically declared I was NOT a knitter. Of course now I can't crochet very easily without a tendonitis flare up, and I knit pretty much constantly (when I'm not working or quilting).
I posted about some hand
embroidery I wrapped up this weekend, I turned a couple of small pieces into a project bag. I didn't really need any more wall hoops, so a bag seemed like a good option. I don't need anymore of those either, but a new project bag is always fun. Here's a sneak peek, but jump over to the full
post to see both pieces of embroidery and the bag.
My begonia has been making little flowers all winter and I finally remembered to take pictures of it. He's very leggy and very fragile, but I hate to move him or try to repot since he does seem to be growing there and I have a terrible history of killing begonias.
Sharing some signs of spring, the redbud has its tiny beautiful reddish pink buds.
And my crabapple has lots of buds that are thinking about opening. It's now that time of year when we pray we don't get a late hard freeze; last year we got one and I lost all the crabapples.
I have a couple of finished art quilts that I need to blog about, and this weekend I had a marathon pocket and label sewing session. That's always my least favorite part, but I sewed three pockets and two labels and now everyone is actually finished (except for the blog posts).
We had some bad family news this week, my uncle had a heart attack and had to have triple bypass surgery, but my family all mobilized to support him and my grandma, and as of yesterday evening he'd come through the surgery ok. We're all praying and keeping our fingers crossed.
I hope you're all having an ok week out there! Click over to
LeeAnna's for more things to like.