Tomorrow marks the start of a busy period of traveling for me, this weekend I'm headed to Dallas for the Dallas Quilt Festival and a weekend with my sister and her family, so that's likely to generate some likeable things!
Here are some of the things I like this week!
I like sushi! I've been a big fan of sushi for a long time, and although Mike is typically not an adventurous eater (which is a euphemism if I ever heard one) he does like sushi. One of the places we go the most often is Sushi Hayashi- it's just a small place in a strip mall, but they have tasty sushi and it's always quiet and not as loud or chaotic as some of the trendier places. Yum!

I like baking! I used to bake a ton, but of course then I just eat everything, but this week I'd signed up to take cookies to church and told my friends I would take cookies to a trivia night fundraiser, so I made some gingersnaps. Along the way I decided to "formalize" my cookie baking intensity taxonomy, because, well why not. I decided that Level 1 cookies are all-in-one-go things, stratified into Level 1A, which is drop cookies like chocolate chip or oatmeal raisin and Level 1B which are slightly more complicated things that are still all-in-one-go like lemon bars. Level 2 cookies are things that require more time and/or advanced planning because they need to chill. Snickerdoodles, gingersnaps, raspberry thumbprints, etc. And Level 3 cookies are those things that are such an investment that I usually only do them when I have people over and it's a scheduled activity, things like sugar cookies or gingerbread men that require dough-chill-roll-cut-bake-frost. I explained this "very important" stratification to my sister, who laughed, so I guess it served its purpose!
Trivia night was fun, I'd never been to anything like that before. It was a fundraiser for special olympics, and I shared a table with a couple friends of mine and their friends. In most of the categories I did really terrible and was no help at all, sports, sports stars turned tv stars, ad jingles (but not the easy ones), TV theme songs, etc. I did get all the questions right in the "Cities" category, and I was the only person at the table who knew the answer to the one Harry Potter question of the night so I guess that was good. Sadly the catgories I'd have done well in (science, art, literature) did not come up. Fun evening though!
I love my dogs! Obviously you all know this already, but Mike just got a new camera and took a few pictures. Bentley and Bullett are not in the least interested in the new camera, but they're adorable all the same. Bullett looks a little out of it here-mostly I think he's irritated that no one was giving him a treat.
In the weekly I like flowers part of the segment, I'm sorry to report that my begonia isn't doing to well. I think it might be cold, but I'm really not sure. On a more positive note, my work geranium is blooming, which is fabulous!