Welcome to another week of things to like!
This was a hard hard week society wise, the news about Roe v. Wade being overturned dinged at me when I got off the airplane in Bismarck. I was so sad and angry I started crying in the parking lot when my sister picked me up at the airport. I just don't know what to do. I'm so scared for the future of our democracy and women's rights. It's horrifying.
On the upside though, Lisa Walton graciously interviewed my for her Quilt Stories YouTube Channel. We talk about my dimensional work and my liturgical pieces. It was really fun and I'd love for you guys to watch it if you have some free time!
I'm never sure if the video embeds work, so if you can't get it to work, just click here. I'd also encourage you to watch some of her other interviews, she's talked to tons of wonderful creative people. You can find her channel here.
The other wonderful thing this week was a trip to the International Peace Garden in North Dakota (on the Canadian border) for a wedding for a very close family friend. It was a moving and special wedding. Northern North Dakota is very rural and farmland-y. It was fun for me and my mom and sister- we're from rural New Mexico, so the miles and miles between anything felt familiar, but the environment was so different. So so green, with tons of farms and ranch land and verdant open space. No shareable pictures from the wedding, but here are a few from the trip.