Thursday, February 9, 2023

I like #289

 Welcome to another week of things to like!  We had off and on chilly weather this week with a little bit of snow and a lot of cold rain.  No bad roads but lots of muddy backyard.

One thing I really liked this week was the book Siren Queen by author Nghi Vo.  It was a wonderful fantasy-imbued story about a chinese actress in the early days of hollywood.  Beautiful writing and wonderful world and character building.

I actually heard about it via something else I'm really loving this week, the Imaginary Worlds Podcast.  It's all about all different kinds of imaginary worlds and I've been listening constantly.  So so good.

Other things to like this weekend, my friend Brett and I went to the OKC Philharmonic this past weekend.  the headline was the Rite of Spring (which was great) but they also played Tchaikovsky's Piano Concerto Number 1 which is just such a gorgeous piece of music.

The pups are good and just as snuggly as ever,  Blue never seems to realize that the bad weather happening in the backyard (which makes him not want to go out to potty) is also happening in the front yard (where he wants to go on a walk).

I liked getting to spend some time in my studio this weekend, I worked a little on my ongoing wheel of the year embroidery project (I'm working on the borders) and also painted a bunch of fabric (of which these are just a couple) for some upcoming art quilts.

And finally, I took down my Christmas lights.  I love seeing them in January as I come home after dark, but it really was time.

I also blogged this week about a new tote bag I made using some embroidery bits I had hanging around my studio.  I didn't really need another tote bag, but using up the embroidery bits made a nice excuse! Read about it here.

LeeAnna's prompt this week was Valentine's day.  I don't have any particular Valentine's day foods or traditions, this year I'm going to have a virtual movie night with a good friend who lives in NC.  But I do love making crafty valentine's cards for my family.  I always have fun picking or tweaking a new crafty idea.  This year I made little pom pom google-eye monsters.

I hope you all have a great valentine's day, and that there are things to love and like in your world amid all the crises that are happening around us.  Click on over to LeeAnna's for some more things to like!


  1. Your embroidery is gorgeous. Your Valentine cards are so cute!

  2. love your painted fabric and embroidery! The tote is a great use of your made fabric and you know I love the pups. LeeAnna

  3. That sounds like a great concert! Your wheel embroidery project is interesting to me, and I clicked on the link to her website and loved the mandala designs. I'm going to have to try one of those! Dogs and snow are always a crazy combination!

  4. We regret not going to see the OKC Philharmonic while we lived in Edmond. Your pups look so cozy! That's a really pretty tote bag. Have a great weekend!

  5. I'm not a big podcast listener, but I've enjoyed Imaginary Worlds. I've been slowly taking town the Christmas lights, too. The candles come down this weekend. Yay for daylight! Hard to go wrong with googly eyes! LOL
