Monday, January 17, 2022

Christmas Crafts for 2021

 I know we're so far beyond Christmas now that everyone is already looking forward to spring, but I was so behind on 2021 blog posts I had to get those up before the Christmas ones.  So here we are!

This was a bit less crafty Christmas than previous years, but I still did my handmade ornaments and a few small knit projects.

The ornaments I made this year were variations on Dorset Buttons, and it was fun to try different threads, stitches, and beads.  Instead of making them button sized, I used curtain rings which made for nice-sized ornaments.  I didn't get pictures of all of them, but this is most of them.

I also made this fun felt mu ornament for my friend Brett who's a geologist.  He studies friction (among other things) for which mu is the variable.

I also love handmade ornaments by other people, and my sister made us all these beautiful wreath ornaments this year.  They're made from paracord and inspired by some knits she learned in Scouts.  So cool!

While in New Mexico, we made several ornaments with my niece and nephew.  They were kits, some given as presents this year, and some from past years, but we had lots of crafting fun!

This orange bead T-rex was another ornament craft kit my mom had, and it too was intended for the kids, but the instructions to assemble it were so terrible everyone but me gave up.  I was very excited to finish it, (if only to show I could triumph over bad instructions), and he's now ready for my tree next year.

I knitted several washcloths to give as stocking stuffers, but apparently only got pictures of these two.  They're just made from leftover scrap yarn.

While at my mom's we came across this cute cross stitch in a folder.  My mom made it after one of her trips to Alaska but never knew what to do with it.  I helped her finish/mount it in the hoop and we got it hung up!  It's great to finish small projects.

On another project front, I have very little furniture in my living room now and all the dog beds except one have been destroyed by the puppy who shall not be named (Ahem, Spooky).  My sister kindly gave me two thick giant pieces of memory foam cut from a mattress she was retiring, and they're perfect dog bed size.  While at home, I used some heavy duty ripstop nylon to cover one of them.  So far everyone likes sitting on them.  I have no illusions they'll be fully Spooky proof, but I'm hoping the covers will last a little while and I can make new covers if we can only preserve the foam.

Finally I wanted to share this great picture of my mom and one of her recently finished sweaters.  It's one she started last Christmas and is made entirely of small yarn scraps.  I love the way it turned out! Like patchwork!

Did you do any Christmas or holiday crafting this year?


  1. The ornaments are really cute. The T-rex made me laugh.

  2. Is there anything you can't do? Love your ornaments!

  3. Great idea for the scissor hang-up. Love your Dorset button ornaments. I've been debating learning how to make them too. Have a great week.
