Thursday, May 11, 2023

I Like #299

Good morning!  Welcome to another week of things to like!  This was, overall a good week.  I got to enjoy being home from my travels and also got to go down to Dallas to see my sister on Saturday.  It was so good to see her, I hadn't seen her since Christmas, which for us is a long time.

It was the weekend of my niece's dance recitals and my nephew was playing in the championship game for his youth baseball league so it was super fun to get to go to those events.

His team won the game and I got to see him make a great hit, and then later in the evening we spent some time hanging out and playing games.  Their puppy Kubota (who they rescued from my parent's town last Christmas) is such an adorable dog.  She loves tug-o-war and will play with people or other dogs.

Nothing super exciting is happening in my garden, although I did catch up on some much delayed yardwork this weekend too and it was nice to be outside! My giant bush is blooming though and I always love when it does, it smells so wonderful.  I cut a few branches and brought them inside, the little white flowers are lovely.

And I saw another pretty rose at church!

I'm so grateful for my art friends.  This week I got two fun surprises in the mail from them.  My friend Helena sent me a wonderful thread portrait of Spooky that is paired with one I have of her dog Olive.  It's so special and I hung it up in my office right next to Olive.

And then I received this wonderful children's storybook about an armadillo from my friend Kathy.  I think I'm turning into the armadillo lady!!!

My pups are good too, lots of sunbathing for them this week.

LeeAnna's prompts this week were about our favorite musical style.  I like lots of different kinds of music depending on the context.  I love classical music, and just a couple of years ago discovered a contemporary classical piece I love, Jonathan Leshnoff's Violin Concerto #2.  I love Bach organ music, all the mathematical intricacies.  I also love poppy bouncy music for cleaning and exercising, the sing-along kind with lots of hits from the 80s and 90s.  I love Brandi Carlile's music and the classics from the 60s and 70s, like Simon and Garfunkel and Gordon Lightfoot.  I don't usually like vocal music I can't sing along to.  

I hope everyone is hanging in there!  Click over to LeeAnna's for more things to like!


  1. The thread portrait is a treasure! Love it!

  2. the quilt next to your art is gorgeous too, as are all those doggies. tug with the pup would be a work out! Milo will be right over to take the challenge, he never lets go.
    true that different styles fit different situations. You remind me how young you are talking about songs from the 90's! Armadillos! Love! Someone I know called them possums on a half shell but I like them very much. Remember that armadillo quilt going around the shows one year?

  3. That looks like some serious tug-of-war! The portraits are so nice - what a terrific gift!
