Thursday, June 8, 2023

I Like #303

 Welcome to another week of things to like!  The best thing about this week is my wonderful sister!  She came up to visit with the kids this weekend and we had a blast.  We did some fun crafts and went to the local aquatic center for swimming and water slides, and played games together.  My sister helped me re-arrange my living room (so happy about that!!!) and then because she's wonderful, she cleaned my living room windows and sliding glass door.  Wowza!!  It was just really nice to be with her and the kids!

The pups are ok-  they like snuggling on the new-to-me couch my sister gave me.

The first dahlia of the year is blooming in my garden.  So lovely!

My  squash plant is growing,  hopefully later this year I'll have zuchini!

Here's my sister snuggling with spooky on my porch,  he really has no sense of personal space.  I love the wacky face he's making!

Click over to LeeAnna's for more things to like!


  1. Snuggling pups are so cute. Your garden looks great too.

  2. no sense of personal space! lol
    the first dahlia already! here's to a long season of their beauty and your photos. That zucc. plant is gangbusters! I could eat and cook with zucchinis all the time but none grew here. Blooms, then, nothing pfff
