Thursday, April 20, 2023

I like #297

 Welcome to another week of things to like!

Last night we had bad storms here, tornados and hail.  Luckily I'm fine, but there was quite a bit of damage south of us where the tornadoes came down and around us with bad hail damage.  I was going home from work (trying to get home to the dogs before the first big cell came through and was a bit scared when I got stuck on the freeway.  I really wish people wouldn't block the freeway by parking under the overpasses in the middle of the road.  It's dangerous for everyone.  Anyway, I got home to the dogs right as the first mesocylone was passing directly over our house (I took this pictures out of my car window as I was pulling up to my neighborhood), and thankfully the spinning storm didn't fully drop into a tornado on the ground and I got home safely.  We all watched the weather for hours (that's what you do during storm evenings) and it so sad to see the damage from where the tornadoes did come down.

The dogs do not like the stormy weather mostly because they have to have their harnesses on but do not get to go for a walk. 

In other exciting news, a couple of my dahlias are starting to peek out of the ground.  That's always exciting!  There are also a bunch of viney things sprouting too.  The sprout on the right below is a dahlia and the sprout on the left is a viney thing.  The viney things are always pretty, they grow up the fence and make lovely flowers, but they take over everything and choke out everything else so I try to be careful about how many I let grow with my other flowers.

Things have been so busy and crazy here with work and travel that I haven't done anything creative in quite a while but I did take an hour on Monday evening after I got my grant reviews and make a cute springy/summery wreath.  I have fall and Christmas wreaths, but saw Jeni's recent blog post gathering all her vintage sheet projects (one of which was a wreath like this one).  I didn't use vintage sheets but like all quilters I have plenty of random scraps so I followed her tutorial to whip this up.  The flowers have a fabric center and the outer edge is made from a crocheted (knitted?) felted easter basket I made a long time ago.  It was cute- green with the frilly purple edging but it was too small to use for anything and really floppy (wouldn't stand up by itself) so every year when I got out my Easter decorations I'd put it back in the box.  Finally this year I took it to the studio to reuse the materials and it was sitting on the work table when I did this project so I chopped it up and used it for the flowers, leaves (and the hanging hook).  It was a fun quick colorful project.

I hope there are some things to like in your life this week and no one got hit by bad weather!  Click over to LeeAnna's for more things to like!


  1. Ooh, wow, that is stormy weather. Yay for dahlias!

  2. wowza on the tornados! Those are incredibly scary but glad y'all survived, whew! the dahlias are coming soon, yea! great wreath idea

  3. I'm so glad you made it home safely! Your poor doggies. I have Radarscope as my weather app and I noticed the hook on radar and quickly texted my grandson, because his girlfriend lives in Norman. He said she was in the closet taking cover! I watched KOCO live weather and saw that it hit Cole before moving east, and it was on the ground a long time. I know bad weather is awful, but I miss being in Oklahoma where "real weather" happens. I have a video somewhere that I took in 2008 (I think) of a tornado moving just northwest of our house in Edmond. I didn't realize it was a tornado at the time, because it was rain-wrapped.
    Your wreath is beautiful!

  4. It is a celebration when you spy those first green leaves returning!
