Thursday, August 10, 2023

I Like #311

 Welcome to another week of things to like.  Lots going on at work right now so mostly just liking home things.  Pups and flowers. 

Lots of good smaller animals this week, I found this delightful fuzzy jumping spider living in my studio.

This mantis was on my zinnias, so cool looking!

And I have lots of butterflies!  This was the only one thta stood still long enough to photograph.

The flowers are all still blooming, some are taller than I am now.  And I picked 3 more jalapeƱos!

I accidentally hit this geranium pot with my weedeater,  I think it looks like a velociraptor claw print!

No jelly making or fruit processing this week but I made some thumbprint cookies with the crabapple jelly and they are soooooo good.

And of course the pups are just as snuggly as ever.  

I hope there are some good things happening in your neck of the woods!  Click over to LeeAnna's for more things to like. 

1 comment:

  1. Your flowers are stunning. I wish I were a better gardener!
